Dalam kerangka kemitraan dengan para ahli (expert) lokal, regional dan global yang berfokus pada isu terkait keberlanjutan (sustainability), Aljabar Training & Consulting (PT Aljabar Anugrah Selaras) menawarkan Anda dengan berbagai layanan. Layanan kami meliputi aspek ilmiah (scientific research) serta aspek praktis dari isu keberlanjutan (sustainability). Aljabar Training & Consulting bekerjasama dengan para ahli dan organisasi terkemuka di dunia untuk mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang bagaimana keberlanjutan (sustainability) menambah nilai dan bagaimana mengidentifikasi sumber nilai tersebut. Dengan tujuan untuk membantu Anda sukses secara berkelanjutan, Aljabar Training & Consulting menawarkan berbagai macam pelatihan yang berfokus pada keberlanjutan (sustainability) mulai dari tingkat perkenalan (introductory level) hingga tingkat ahli (masterclass training). Selain itu, Aljabar Training & Consulting hadir memberikan layanan jasa konsultasi kepada perusahaan untuk melakukan Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) berdasarkan ISO 14044:2006 (SNI ISO 14044:2017).

PT Aljabar Anugrah Selaras juga merupakan distributor resmi dari Sphera LCA Software (LCA for Experts) di Indonesia. LCA for Experts (formerly GaBi Software) sebagai salah satu produk paling terpercaya di dunia, dapat membantu organisasi Anda menerapkan Life Cycle Assessment. GaBi telah digunakan oleh berbagai perusahaan kelas dunia yang masuk dalam Fortune 500 untuk meningkatkan kinerja lingkungan (environmental performance) perusahaan. Saat ini Aljabar Training & Consulting bekerjasama dengan thinkstep Sustainability Solutions Pvt Ltd (a Sphera Company) dalam mengenalkan dan membantu Anda untuk menggunakan GaBi software guna melakukan evaluasi kinerja lingkungan (environmental performance evaluation) berbasis Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).



Sphera LCA (Formerly GaBi) Software

GaBi Software – to drive product sustainability!

LCA for Experts (formerly GaBi) software is the most trusted product sustainability solution for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with over 10,000 users including Fortune 500 companies, leading industry associations and innovative SMEs. GaBi combines the world’s leading LCA modelling and reporting software, content databases with intuitive data collection and reporting tools. Improve your Product Sustainability Performance by using GaBi software!

Get your free software trial of the leading Life Cycle Assessment software for product sustainability! (30-days limited full version)

  • LCA for Expert (formerly GaBi) makes it easy for your business to carry out Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
  • It also enables you to deliver more sustainable products to match your customers expectations and become more resource efficient in a world of price rises and legislative obligations.
  • LCA for Expert (formerly GaBi) even helps your business to cut costs and make your production and supply chains more efficient.
Visit www.sphera.com for further information about Sphera’s products and services.

Sphera LCA Education (Formerly GaBi Education) for Universities

Sphera values the contributions that universities make to advancing sustainability. Academic research contributes a wealth of new insights through in-depth analysis of materials, product methods, LCA methodology and much more. Universities and teachers incorporate LCA and sustainability into their curriculum, and train future LCA and sustainability professionals in the use of LCA methodologies and state-of-the-art software. Visit here for further information.

GaBi Envision – the LCA, EPD and Ecodesign tool

GaBi Envision supports you to easily integrate Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) into your internal processes, quickly evaluating scenarios or what-if analysis and communicating your product sustainability efforts using automated reports. GaBi Envision enables you to quickly and accurately understand the sustainability performance of products and compare alternatives, without the need to be an LCA expert!


Sphera Solutions GmbH
(a Sphera Company)
Hauptstraße 111-113
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany

thinkstep Sustainability Solutions Pvt Ltd

(a Sphera Company)
421, MIDAS, Sahar Plaza, Andheri Kurla Road
Andheri East, Mumbai, India 400059


Aljabar Training & Consulting

PT Aljabar Anugrah Selaras
Gapura Office
Ruko Green Garden Blok A14 No. 36
Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia 11520

Tags: Software LCA Terbaik, Distributor Software LCA di Indonesia, Software LCA Terpercaya, Software Life Cycle Assessment Indonesia, Harga Software LCA Indonesia, Software LCA PROPER, Software LCA Lokal, Pelatihan Software LCA, Belajar Software LCA, Pelatihan Life Cycle Assessment, Training Life Cycle Assessment, Pelatihan Software LCA, Pembelian Software LCA, Manfaat Software LCA, Database LCA, Software GaBi Indonesia, Distributor LCA Indonesia, Beli Software LCA Indonesia, Software LCA Tercepat, Software LCA Jakarta, Software LCA Palembang, Software LCA Surabaya, Software LCA Makassar, Mengenal Software LCA, Penggunaan Software LCA, Software PROPER, Software Lingkungan, Konsultan Life Cycle Assessment, Konsultan LCA Indonesia, Konsultan LCA Jakarta, Konsultan LCA Surabaya, Konsultan LCA Medan, Konsultan LCA Makassar, Konsultan LCA Semarang, Konsultan LCA Balikpapan, Konsultan LCA Pontianak, Konsultan LCA Riau, Konsultan LCA Banten, Konsultan LCA Bali, Konsultan LCA Palembang, Konsultan LCA Aceh, Konsultan LCA Lombok, Konsultan LCA Mataram, Konsultan LCA Karawang, Konsultan LCA Tangerang, Konsultan LCA Bogor, Konsultan LCA Cilegon, Konsultan LCA Papua, Konsultan LCA Palu, Konsultan LCA Sulawesi, Konsultan LCA Biak, Konsultan LCA Manokwari, Konsultan LCA Sumatera, Konsultan LCA Kalimantan, Konsultan LCA Cirebon, Software LCA Malaysia, GaBi Software Malaysia, Sphera Software Indonesia, Sphera Software Malaysia, Sphera Software Jakarta, Sphera Indonesia, PHA-Pro Software Indonesia, PHA-Pro Software Malaysia, PHA-Pro Software Jakarta, Sphera Software Surabaya, PHA-Pro Software Surabaya, FMEA-Pro Software Indonesia, MRO Master Data Indonesia, MRO Master Data Malaysia, MRO Master Data Surabaya, GaBi Software Brunei, PHA-Pro Software Brunei, PHA-Pro Bali, PHA-Pro Mataram, PHA-Pro Papua, Konsultan LCA Surabaya, Konsultan LCA Medan, Konsultan LCA Makassar, Konsultan LCA Semarang, Konsultan LCA Balikpapan, Konsultan LCA Pontianak, Konsultan LCA Riau, Konsultan LCA Banten, Konsultan LCA Bali, Konsultan LCA Palembang, Konsultan LCA Aceh, Konsultan LCA Lombok, Konsultan LCA Mataram, Konsultan LCA Karawang, Konsultan LCA Tangerang, Konsultan LCA Bogor, Konsultan LCA Cilegon, Konsultan LCA Papua, Konsultan LCA Palu, Konsultan LCA Sulawesi, Konsultan LCA Biak, Konsultan LCA Manokwari, Konsultan LCA Sumatera, Konsultan LCA Kalimantan, Konsultan LCA Cirebon, Software LCA Malaysia, GaBi Software Malaysia, Sphera Software Indonesia, Sphera Software Malaysia, Sphera Software Jakarta, Sphera Indonesia, PHA-Pro Software Indonesia, PHA-Pro Software Malaysia, PHA-Pro Software Jakarta, Sphera Software Surabaya, PHA-Pro Software Surabaya, FMEA-Pro Software Indonesia, MRO Master Data Indonesia, MRO Master Data Malaysia, MRO Master Data Surabaya, GaBi Software Brunei, PHA-Pro Software Brunei, PHA-Pro Bali, PHA-Pro Mataram, PHA-Pro Papua